Historical Facts About Tsunamis in Indonesia

Historical Facts About Tsunamis in IndonesiaThe incredible Tsunami which was triggered by the massive Sumatra Earthquake is not the first for the area. In recent history, geological history that is, another huge Earthquake and Volcano caused an even larger Tsunami.

In 1883 the Krakatoa Volcano and Earthquake sent a 120-foot high Tsunami to Java and Sumatra. Over 36,000 people died from the wave and things were a lot less populated along the coast than they are today. It was very wise thinking to put in an early warning system as obviously this is a hot zone for such activity.

Indeed we should learn from history and realize that there are many such locations on our planet, especially along the "Pacific Ring of Fire" where many human civilizations are not so safe. This most recent Tsunami and the one in 1883 ought to be showing us our vulnerabilities and we need to be thinking here and adapting our societies and civilizations to deal with such potential crisis.

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