Facts About Teen Moms

Facts About Teen MomsHere in the United States, media and popular entertainment seem to glorify teen pregnancy. MTV's reality shows "16 and Pregnant" and "Teen Mom" have become increasing popular...making celebrities out of teen mothers. However, it seems that there may be some truths not being shown when you look at the reality of being a teen mom nationwide. Teenage pregnancy is not nearly as glamorous as it may seem on TV.

Below are some strong statistics that help explain the actual challenges of teen mothers in the US.

* 80% of teen moms are on welfare
* Over 50% of children raised by teen moms are reported to Child Protection Services
* Only 1.5% of teen moms graduate fro college by age 30 (and only 40% graduate from high school)
* Children raised without a father are twice as likely to quit school and four ties as likely to need behavioral help
* Children of teen parents are thee times more likely to become teen parents themselves.

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