New York DUI Facts

New York DUI FactsEvery case is different and there are no guarantees. Below are rough answers to some questions we hear frequently.

Q: Will we be able to get a plea bargain?Tambah Gambar

A: Usually a good lawyer can get a first-DUI charge reduced to a DWAI violation. In some counties, it is more difficult to reduce a DWI if your blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) is particularly high. The individual prosecutor may have a set number in mind. For some that means over 0.15. For others it might be 0.18 or 0.20. Others will agree to a plea bargain regardless of the BAC. Other factors also might prevent a plea bargain, such as if the charge arose out of a serious accident, if you have a criminal record, or if it is not the first DWI on your record. In such cases, a good lawyer may be able to get a reduction later if they can find any weakness in the prosecution's case. It may be possible to get a reduction even with a high BAC if you get a substance abuse evaluation and comply with the treatment recommendations from the evaluation.

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