Interesting Facts About Lions

Interesting Facts About Lions
Interesting Facts About LionsLions are the top cats of Africa!

1. Lions are the only social cats, living in groups called prides.

2. Male lions are the only cats with manes - a trait of which the origin and purpose has divided scientists

3. Living in prides helps lions survive in difficult times, proving particularly beneficial for the vulnerable young cubs that need protection.

4. Lion cubs have spots at birth that disappear with age.

5. In the pride, lionesses specialize in hunting whereas the big males' function is to provide protection from outsiders.

6. Lions take down a variety of prey animals including gazelles, wildebeest, buffaloes and even elephants in certain parts of Africa (e.g. Botswana).

7. Lions do not like competition and frequently attack and kill fellow predators like leopards, hyenas and cheetahs.

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