Global Warming Facts - Planet Earth's Biggest Threat

Global Warming Facts - Planet Earth's Biggest ThreatOur planet, Earth, was born some millions of years ago. Ever since this planet has evolved it has surprised the entire human race. No matter how much we develop technologically we cannot ever compete or replicate this natural body. The human race could only discover some amazing facts about this planet, let us find out what are they.

On September 13, 1922 El Azizia a place in Libya recorded a temperature of 136 degrees Fahrenheit. This was the hottest temperature measured in the planet earth. The biggest waterfall in the world is the Angel Falls situated in Venezuela which drops from an amazing height of 3,212 feet.

The gravitational pull of the Earth can be escaped if someone moves at a speed of 6.95 miles per second. With such a speed one can easily from New York to Philadelphia in just 20 seconds. Imagine if the entire water in the ocean world over evaporates! The salt obtained from these oceans can cover the entire planet under a 500-foot deep layer of salt. The deepest lake on Earth is Lake Baikal that is situated in erstwhile USSR. The Andes in South America is spread over 4,525 miles. This is the longest mountain range in the entire world.

Did you know that the biggest valley structure on Earth is the Grand Valley? The main division itself runs for about a distance of 277 miles all throughout the US. The deepest valley on the planet is the Hell's Valley. It is situated at the Oregon-Idaho border. The total depth of the Hell's Valley has been measured to be approximately 8,000 ft.

1 comment:

Humaun Kabir said...

Thanks for the great post on your blog, it really gives me an insight on this topic.

flat earth

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