Love Facts Overview

Love Facts OverviewLove and relationship is a VERY crucial part of our everyday lives and we all strive to get or have that relationship filled with love, honesty, compromise, and everything else that can be found in a "fairytale-like" relationship leading to happily ever after! And that happily ever after seeks to lead to one thing and one thing only - MARRIAGE!

There is nothing more sweeter than a wedding, however, a wedding does not constitute a marriage. A wedding is merely the glamour in which family and friends come together to celebrate the fact the a union is being created for better or worst in sickness and in health. The marriage is however that potion AFTER the elaborate reception that all the work is done in. Meaning, this is where the decision is made to continue with living up to the vows created before God and man to serve and live for each other until DEATH!

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