They say in everything we do, in every decision that we make, either of the two are your only motives behind it- fear and love. Believe or not distinguishing between the two can be very confusing. The best way that we can do is to define the difference between fear and love. The former is characterized by an unpleasant feeling that something tragic is going to happen. With it your heart beats fast, your blood pressure rises, your pupils dilate and your muscles constrict. There are two kinds of anxiouness- healthy and unhealthy. The former is actually helpful, for instance you quit smoking because your husband has chronic asthma.
You worry that your smoking might trigger his asthma attack that's why you quit smoking. Another example of is when you work so hard on your marriage because of you are frightened of divorce. You take conscious effort in yourself to become motivated and complete as a person for your loved one and your marriage. Your apprehension is powered by your deep concern and care for your significant other and your relationship. This is fear and love working productively. Healthy kind is minimal anxiousness- this allows you to think and prevent certain danger or worst case scenarios. This is constructive and beneficial.
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