Facts About American Women

Facts About American WomenColorado

Did you know- From 1993 to 1996, Madeleine Albright, who speaks Czech, English, French, Polish and Russian, served as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. In this period, she was one of the few female ambassadors in the United Nations, along with Claudia Fritsche (Liechtenstein), Akmaral Arystanbekova (Kazhkstan), Louise Fréchette (Canada) and Annete del Iles (Trinidad & Tobago). In New York City, she supported the entrance of Eastern Europe to the OTAN. In 1982 she wrote her book "Poland: The Role of the Press in Political Change".


Did you know- By the early 1930s, Jane Addams became the first American woman to win a Nobel Prize in Oslo, Norway. She shared the Nobel Prize for Peace with professor Nicholas Murray Buttler. Addams was an ardent supporter of women's rights.

American Black Bear Facts

American Black Bear FactsAmerican Black Bear Description

The American Black Bear can be either brown or black in color. Some of them even have white on them. They have thick layers of fur which keep them warm. They have the external layer that we can see. They also have a layer that is very close to the skin. This helps to keep them dry.

They can range significantly in size depending on the region where they live. This can be from 200 to 500 pounds. They can be up to five feet tall in an upright position as well.

American Black Bear FactsDistribution

You will find these bears all over the place, but mainly in forest areas. They have been found in common hiking and camping areas of humans too so you do need to be aware of their presence. These bears have been able to adapt to a variety of different types of environments. This ability has allowed them to continue thriving in spite of the conditions around them.

They can be found in the plains, the mountains, and even in swampy regions. They will basically survive anywhere as long as their need for food and shelter can be met there. They often have to share areas with humans due to homes being built so close to the supply of water they rely upon. They are found in 28 states of the USA, around Canada, and even into Mexico.

American Black Bear FactsBehavior

These bears tend to be very active in the early morning and then again as the sun goes down. Those that live in areas where it is hot will find shady spots in caves or among the trees to rest and to stay cool. They can run up to 40 miles per hour to escape danger or to capture prey.


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